Mark Zuckerberg Promoted to Blue Belt In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Mark Zuckerberg Promoted to Blue Belt In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


      Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been awarded his blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by professor Dave Camarillo after several years of training. The billionaire practitioner has become an avid student of the gentle art and now that work has been rewarded with his promotion. Camarillo was also promoted to fifth-degree black belt at the same ceremony.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Promoted to Blue Belt In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


      Zuckerberg drew headlines earlier this year when he competed in a local Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament, winning gold and silver in his white belt divisions. After his success, buzz has begun over a potential MMA or grappling match between Mark and fellow tech CEO Elon Musk - buzz that has drawn attention from some of the biggest promoters in the world.
     Blue belt is the first belt you receive in Brazilian jiu-jitsu after you begin as a white belt, and usually takes several years to accomplish. There are only five belts in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (not counting coral or red belts, which stand as their own category of black belt), and now the Meta CEO will begin his journey towards purple belt.
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